Mother's Little Helper


There was a recent story on the "Today Show" about women's over-reliance on prescribed medications for anxiety & depression. No surprise, given our societal push for instant gratification, fueled, in part, by the pharmaceutical companies' media saturation pushing their products.

 Change – real change – such as that which comes from participation in therapy, requires time, energy & patience (things in short supply for today's busy mother!) However, the results can be more beneficial & longer-lasting.

There's no question that combining counseling with medication is more effective than medication alone. For many... if not most... counseling alone may be just as effective... if not more so... than medication (& without the side effects!) Resorting to medication as a way to manage the stresses of life is habit-forming &, ultimately, self-defeating.

But the good news is that our brains are "plastic"... the neural pathways formed & reinforced by habit can be altered (not easily... & not instantly... but with dedicated practice)... & that's the basis of therapy... mother's bigger, better "helper".

Chris Bailey